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Large Storage Tank Electric Hoist Lifting Upside-down Construction Technology

Publish Time: 2024-07-24     Origin: Site

With the continuous development of the industrialization process and the continuous improvement of the technical level, the construction of large storage tanks has become a common project in modern industry. The construction of large storage tanks requires upside-down construction, and the use of electric hoists is of great help to improve the efficiency of the project. This paper will discuss the necessity and technical advantages of electric hoist lifting construction.

I. The necessity of electric hoist lifting construction

Upside-down construction is essential in the construction of large storage tanks. Although the traditional manpower lifting technology can complete the construction work, it has many shortcomings. First of all, human work needs to consume huge physical strength, and depends on the strength and skills of people, there are security risks; Secondly, the human operation can not accurately control the weight and speed, and can not ensure the construction effect and quality. The electric hoist just makes up for these deficiencies. Electric hoist is easy to operate, high efficiency, and relatively safe to work at altitude, with the advantages of easy operation, high stability and high work efficiency. Therefore, it is very necessary to use electric hoist in the construction of large storage tank upside-down.

II. The technical advantages of electric hoist lifting construction

1. Efficient lifting ability

The lifting ability of electric hoist is much higher than that of human power. An accurate and reliable lifting system can lift huge weights to the necessary height in a short time without endangering workers.

2. Precise control ability

By combining sensors and control units, electric hoists can provide high accuracy. This precision ensures that important components on the tank are positioned accurately when assembled upside down.

3. Security

The electric hoist comes with its own emergency stop, which can ensure that the power is cut off immediately when there is a safety problem, thereby reducing the risk of personnel and property damage, while achieving the safe handling of people and items.

4. Remote control

Modern electric hoists use wireless remote controls to keep operators out of dangerous areas while ensuring they have a better view. This remote control technology can improve construction efficiency with less burden on workers.

5. System reliability

The electric hoist has good system reliability and can be used almost forever. Because they use modern electronic technology, their service life and performance are highly stable.

In summary, the electric hoist has great application value in the construction of large storage tank inversion. It makes the construction process more safe, efficient and accurate, and plays an important role in improving the quality and efficiency of the project. In the future storage tank construction, the use of electric hoist will be widely promoted and used.

WINCOO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD provides professional tank lifting electric hoist. Please visit our website:www.sino-wincoo.com for more information.


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