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Why Build Large Storage Tanks

Publish Time: 2024-04-03     Origin: Site

Today we would like to discuss why our country has built a large number of large storage tanks? At present, the reasons are discussed from the following points of view.

  • What is storage tank?

  • Economic development leads to increased demand for oil and other resources.

  • National strategic storage requirements.

  • At present, the prices of international crude oil and other resources have fallen.

What is Storage Tank?

Steel sealed containers for the storage of liquids or gases are steel storage tanks, steel storage tank engineering is essential and important infrastructure for petroleum, chemical, grain and oil, food, fire protection, transportation, metallurgy, national defense and other industries, our economic life is always inseparable from large and small steel storage tanks, steel storage tanks in the national economic development plays an important role is irreplaceable. Steel storage tank is the storage of various liquid (or gas) raw materials and finished products of special equipment, for many enterprises can not be normal production without storage tanks, especially the national strategic material reserves are inseparable from various capacities and types of storage tanks. Most of the oil storage facilities in China are based on above-ground storage tanks, and most of them are metal structures.

Economic development leads to increased demand for oil and other resources.

With the sustained, rapid, stable and healthy development of China's economy, the demand for energy, especially oil, is constantly increasing. According to relevant information, since 1993, China has become a net oil importer, and in the following years, oil imports have increased by about 10 million tons per year, and oil dependence has risen year by year, and is now about 50%.

National strategic storage requirements.

In order to ensure the national energy security and the interests of enterprises, to avoid the risks caused by the uncertainties of crude oil supply and sharp price fluctuations in the international market, to establish a certain scale of crude oil reserve facilities, purchase and maintain a certain scale of crude oil reserves, has very important political and strategic significance.

At present, the prices of international crude oil and other resources have fallen.

In 2008, a worldwide financial crisis raged, major economies fell into recession, international oil prices lingered at a low level for a certain period of time, and the prices of major equipment and materials fell, providing an excellent opportunity for group companies and countries to reserve crude oil. In addition, according to the relevant policies of the state to deal with the macroeconomic situation, in recent years, the state and CNPC have built a number of crude oil reserves across the motherland. For this reason, our company has built more than 70 crude oil storage tanks of 100,000 cubic meters in the past few years.

WINCOO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD is committed to the construction of large storage tanks, welcome your consultation.


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