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What Are The Common Construction Methods of Large Storage Tanks

Publish Time: 2024-04-03     Origin: Site

The international crude oil market is affected by the political, economic and military situation, and the price is changeable. In order to respond to changes in prices and meet daily oil demand, it is important to stockpile large quantities of oil at the right price.Storing large amounts of oil requires building large storage tanks, and today we're talking about how to build large storage tanks.

At present, the construction methods of large storage tanks in China mainly include water floating normal installation method, inner scaffold normal installation method, tank outer wall or outer wall hanging tripod and tank wall trolley walking normal installation method, jacking flip installation method, etc.

1. The water-filled formal assembly process mainly uses the floating of the floating boat as a construction platform for the construction of the siding.

Advantages: In the construction, the use of this method can reduce high-altitude work, reduce the difficulty of construction; At the same time, the settlement test of tank foundation can be carried out at the same time in the construction process, and the tightness of the floating tank and the tightness of the tank bottom can be checked. Greatly reduce the cost of scaffolding or jacking.

Disadvantages: Since water filling must be carried out after the completion of the construction of the float tank, it also affects the construction of the tank wall to a certain extent, and the non-destructive testing of each circle must be completed before the start of the float boat; For some projects with a relatively tight construction period, it is bound to cause difficulties in the construction period. There are also some people who soak the inner wall of the tank in water for a long time, increasing the corrosion of the tank. The lack of water also limits the use of this construction method.

2. Tank wall hanging tripod and tank wall trolley walking normal mounting method

Advantages: save time and cost; 

Disadvantages: Security is not guaranteed. It is difficult to promote in the current environment of safe one vote veto

3. Hydraulic jacking method (electric guide chain lifting method)

Advantages: All operations are constructed on the ground, greatly reducing the risk of high altitude;

Disadvantages: 100000 tank body weight is too large, difficult to lift; Automatic welding has some limitations, welding deformation is large; Construction requires professional lifting equipment and expansion rings.

If you have the need to build storage tanks, welcome to consult us, WINCOO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD has provided professional storage tank construction equipment for ten years.


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