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A Detailed Introduction To The Long Distance Transport Pipeline

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A Detailed Introduction To The Long Distance Transport Pipeline

Classification of long distance transport pipelines

1. Classification by material nature: divided into metal pipes and non-metal pipes;

2. Classification by design pressure classification: can be divided into vacuum pipeline (P < O), low pressure pipeline (0≤P≤ 1.6), medium pressure pipeline (1. 6 < P≤10), high pressure pipeline (10 < P≤100) and ultra-high pressure pipeline (P > 10O), P is MPa;

3. Classification by the transport temperature classification: low temperature pipeline, normal temperature pipeline, moderate and high temperature pipeline;

4. Classification by the nature of the transmission medium: water supply and drainage pipeline, compressed air pipeline, hydrogen pipeline, oxygen pipeline, acetylene pipeline, heat pipeline, gas pipeline, fuel pipeline, toxic fluid pipeline toxic fluid pipeline, acid and alkali pipeline, boiler pipeline, refrigeration pipeline, purified pure gas pipeline, pure water pipeline.

The following is mainly about gas (gas transmission) pipelines.

I. Pipeline construction process

Measurement pay-off → cleaning of construction work belt, construction of construction road → anticorrosive pipe transportation → machining groove → redistributing pipe → Preparation of pipe mouth, welding of pipe group → welding of pipe group → inspection of welding joint → heat shrinkable sleeve (with) repair → pipe trench excavation → pipe bottom trench → Pipe mouth pairing, pipe welding → welding joint inspection → Cleaning and pressure test → pipe ditch backfilling → landform restoration.

II. Gas pipeline delivery

(1) Pipelines from oil and gas field gathering station to urban gas distribution station or from oil and gas field compressor station to urban gas distribution station.

(2) Pipeline from the gas gathering station of the coal gasification plant to the repair station of the city or industrial base.

(3) The pipeline from the first-level regulator metering station of the natural gas transmission main line in the neighboring city to the urban gas distribution station.

(4) The pipeline from the artificial gas production plant, coking plant, petrochemical plant, petroleum refinery gas collection station or mine gas transfer station to the urban storage and distribution station near the city.

III. The composition of long distance pipeline

The long distance gas transmission pipeline system is usually composed of the gathering network, gas purification equipment, gas transmission trunk, pressure station, distribution valve room, distribution station (terminal pressure regulating and measuring station), management and maintenance station, communication and remote control equipment, cathodic protection station (or other electric protection devices), and pipeline accessories. The gas collected from the gas source point is throttled and separated from free water, oil and mechanical impurities, and then enters the gas collecting station through the collecting pipe. The gas from the gas collecting station enters the treatment plant after further purification into the starting station, in the starting station, the dust removal and pressure, after measurement into the gas transmission main line, if the starting pressure of the gas is low, the pressure station should be set up.

The long distance high gas transmission pipeline adopts ultra-high pressure gas transmission, and the starting pressure of transmission is generally 1.0-2.5mpa. Intermediate compressor stations are usually set at intervals to maintain a constant gas pressure in the long transmission line.

IV. The starting point of the pipeline system

The main task of the starting station is to keep the gas pressure stable, adjust the gas pressure, measure the gas flow, and remove the liquid droplets and mechanical impurities in the gas.

V. Distributing valve chamber

In order to ensure the pressure of the medium for long-distance transmission, the design will set up a sub-delivery valve chamber in sections (generally 30KM/seat) to mainly ensure the pressure and cutoff effect of the transmission.

VI. Distribution station for piping system

The gas distribution station (gate station) is located at the terminal of the long-distance transmission pipeline, also known as the terminal voltage regulation measuring station, which is the gas source station of the urban and industrial pipe networks, and its main task is to transfer the gas sent by the long-distance transmission pipeline. The gas is further dedusted in the station, and the pressure is adjusted to the urban high pressure ring network or the pressure required by the user, and after measurement and odorization, it is sent to the pipe network in the town and industrial zone.

WINCOO ENGINEERING CO.,LTD provides professional long distance transport pipeline construction machines, such as pipelayer,paywelder,pipeline welding machine,pipe internal clamp,pipeline heating machine, etc. Please visit our website:www.sino-wincoo.com for more information.

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