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How to repair and maintain the tank welding machine?

Publish Time: 2021-06-28     Origin: Site

During the use of tank welding machine, all arc welding equipment must be maintained at any time and kept in a safe working condition. When the tank welding machine has defects or safety hazards, it must be discontinued until its safety is guaranteed. Repairs must be carried out by approved personnel.


Here is the content list:

Common problems of tank welding machine.

What are the correct operating specifications for tank welding machine work?

Solutions for tank welding machine maintenance and maintenance.


Common problems of tank welding machine.

Why is the tank welding machine suitable for welding thin plates and drawn arc welding for thick plates?

1. In most cases, tank welding machine is suitable for welding on thin plates, and drawn arc stud welding is suitable for welding on thick plates.

2. Tank welding machine is characterized by high current and short time, so the molten pool is shallow and welding deformation is small.

3. But at this time, the welding strength is still relatively large (welding strength> stud strength> sheet strength, or welding strength> sheet strength> stud strength). Therefore, it is the stud or the sheet that yields first.

4. If tank welding machine is used on a thick plate, the strength of the plate itself is the greatest, because it is almost impossible to be torn, so the stud or welded joint may yield first.

5. Another reason is that tank welding machine cannot be welded on hot-rolled plates, and thick plates are hot-rolled plates in most cases.

6. The drawn arc stud welding current is relatively small, but the welding time is longer, so the molten pool is deeper and the welding deformation is larger.

7. If the deeper molten pool is welded with thin plates, it is easy to cause penetration. Generally, the mminimu plate thickness is required to be 1/4 of the stud diameter.

8. The deeper molten pool makes the welding strength always greater than the strength of the stud itself, so the stud or plate is always the first to yield in the destructive experiment.


In the stud welder test, how to understand "the welding strength is greater than the strength of the plate and the stud itself"?

1. This sentence is mainly aimed at tank welding machine welding strength test.

2. In the destructive experiment, if the plate is torn or pulled through, and the stud welding part is still not separated from the plate, it means that the stud welding strength is greater than the strength of the plate itself.

3. If the stud is broken or bent and the welded part of the stud is still not separated from the plate, it means that the strength of the stud welding is greater than the strength of the stud itself.



What are the correct operating specifications for tank welding machine work?

Check the connection

After completing the wiring of the tank welding machine, you must check each installed connector to confirm that it is well connected before starting to operate the equipment. Its contents include:


There must not be any leakage of cooling water, shielding gas or engine oil that affects the safety of welders.

Work suspension

When the welding work is suspended (for example, during breaks), the output terminal of the equipment or welding machine must be turned off or the power supply must be cut off.

Mobile welding machine

When you need to move the tank welding machine, you must first cut off the power supply at its input end.

Equipment not used

The metal electrode and carbon electrode must be removed from the welding tongs when not in use to eliminate the risk of electric shock to personnel or conductive objects. The welding tongs must be placed out of contact with persons, electrical conductors, flammable objects or compressed air bottles when not in use. The welding torch of the tank welding machine must be properly placed when not in use to avoid accidental activation of the gun body switch.


All arc welding equipment must be maintained at any time and kept in a safe worki


Solutions for tank welding machine maintenance and maintenance.

For the tank welding machine construction solution, the following brief description outlines the work process. If the tank welding machine needs repair and maintenance, it can be modified in some details as needed.

Step 1. Place the tank bottom-plate on the prepared foundation and weld it together.

Step 2. Assemble the beam or trellis of the roof, and finally connect it to it.


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