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The Cause And Elimination of Safety Hazards of Long Distance Pipeline

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The Cause And Elimination of Safety Hazards of Long Distance Pipeline

With the extensive application of natural gas and other resources, the application degree of long-distance transportation pipelines has been greatly improved. However, it is undeniable that they still have security risks. In the construction of long-distance pipeline, only by constantly improving its technology and constantly standardizing various rules and regulations, improving construction and management capabilities, and eliminating security risks can it be better used in resource transportation.

Safety Hazard of Long Distance Pipeline

1, Do not understand the harm of long-distance pipeline

The long-distance pipeline will pass through houses, schools, factories, and farmland, and the danger of such close contact is self-evident. However, due to the lack of solution to the pipeline safety technical specifications, the harm characteristics of the transmission medium are not clear, and the lack of understanding of the serious consequences that may be caused by natural gas leakage, many people think that such a thick steel pipeline will not have an accident, and it will not happen. This lack of safety knowledge, as well as ideological contempt and paralysis in behavior, is the root cause of safety hazards along the pipeline.

2. Third party construction

After the pipeline application is approved, the local government may plan the construction of highways, product pipelines and other projects accordingly, resulting in the interaction of multiple linear projects, which is manifested in close parallel arrangement, cross-crossing and the laying of oil and gas pipelines in the same ditch. Due to the fact that multiple projects belong to different construction units, on-site construction cannot be carried out simultaneously, and the safety standards for design, construction and operation are not the same, etc., resulting in insufficient safety distance, pipeline damage caused by excavation, and rolling and blasting of buried pipelines by construction machinery and materials. These hazards are the main reasons for the safety hazards of gas pipelines.

3, Water protection

Natural factors are also important reasons that affect the safe operation of pipelines. Rain erosion caused by natural factors such as rainy season and typhoon will lead to the collapse of water protection projects, insufficient buried depth of pipelines and even exposed pipelines. In addition, the construction process interval time is too long, will lead to relatively lagging protection measures, construction quality does not meet the standard requirements, become one of the reasons affecting the failure of hydraulic protection.

4. Anchor around the sea pipe to take sand

The phenomenon of anchoring and berthing in the pipeline protection area often occurs, and the situation is more serious when a large number of ships take shelter in the bay during typhoon, and there is also the danger of damage to the sea pipe by anchoring. The tidal range in the bay is large, and the risk of the ship directly sitting in the sea pipe is large at low tide. Sand extraction, dredging and dumping of dredged materials in protected areas may pose hidden dangers to the safe operation of pipelines.

The Integrity Management Countermeasure to the Safety Hazard of Long Distance Pipeline

1. Strategic measures

Invite the government to issue the Measures for the Protection of Oil and Gas Pipeline Facilities to provide a legal basis for the integrity management of pipelines; Formulate special emergency plans for pipelines and submit them to the local government for the record, so as to coordinate and utilize various local resources in emergency response; Establish a combination of pipeline protection professionals and local line inspectors. The problems that can be solved by the line inspector are dealt with on the spot, those that cannot be solved are reported to the company, and those that the company cannot solve independently are submitted to the local government for coordination and solution to ensure that the safety hazards found are solved in time. Signing agreements with villages along the pipeline for the protection of ancillary facilities.

2. Technical measures

Organize the design, construction and operation units to conduct on-site investigation of potential safety hazards of the pipeline, mainly checking whether the design conforms to the specifications, whether the construction unit constructs according to the drawing, whether the changes are carried out according to the procedure, and whether the operation meets the company's requirements of modular management; The completed section of the pipeline shall be located and mapped, and reported to the local municipal planning bureau for the record to reduce and avoid the impact of new projects on the safe operation of the pipeline.

3. Construction management measures

The damaged ancillary facilities along the pipeline were maintained according to plan, and the sections with water and soil protection requirements were protected, and the vegetation restoration area was about 245,000 m2. Strengthen the information communication with the Fu-Xiamen Expressway expansion unit, adhere to the management method of verifying the drawings in advance, surveying and mapping and marking the actual location of the pipeline during the process of inspection, and re-inspection afterwards, so as to avoid the impact of highway construction on the pipeline; The LNG natural gas pipeline safety protection agreement was signed with the owner (supervisor and construction unit) of Sinopec refined oil pipeline, and the pipeline protection personnel and line inspectors supervised the entire construction process to avoid the impact of the construction of refined oil pipeline on the natural gas pipeline.

4. Special measures for Marine management safety management

Apply for the sea area right certificate of Meizhou Bay submarine pipeline, determine the legal status of the legal right holder, and facilitate the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the company. The sea pipeline shall be submitted to the relevant administrative department, and the chart shall be updated in time to facilitate the ship to identify the protection targets in the bay. According to the requirements of guidance and navigation AIDS, navigation AIDS such as permanent navigational markers and light piles shall be set up in the Marine management protection area to facilitate the passing of ships. Special inspectors shall be set up at the entrance and exit of the sea pipe to grasp the dynamics of ships around the sea pipe, and promptly request the maritime department to eliminate the hazards when an incident endangering the pipeline is found. Increase investment in safety, apply for special funds to support the Maritime Safety Administration to equip maritime patrol boats, build Meizhou Bay VTS(Vessel Traffic Control System), provide convenient conditions from the means of law enforcement and supervision methods, and promote the safety management of maritime management. Issuing permanent navigational notices according to the protection scope of submarine pipelines, and correctly fulfilling specific notification obligations.

Cooperate with regulators to strengthen the safety management of passing and operating vessels in the bay; Remind ships in the bay to pay attention to the protection of sea pipes; Avoid the passive situation that may be caused by the failure to correctly perform the obligation of notification in the event of a dispute over an average accident.

5. Daily maintenance and publicity measures

Employ line inspectors to inspect the pipeline every day; Customized GPS pipeline inspection system, on-line supervision of inspection time, position and frequency of line inspectors.

Adopt various forms and channels to publicize and popularize natural gas safety knowledge and improve safety awareness. Issue "LNG Safety Manual", "LNG Safety Technical Manual" and "LNG Product Label" to users; Production of pipeline protection video, broadcast on local TV stations and villages along the pipeline; 5000 copies of pipeline protection publicity calendar and 10,000 copies of Fujian Provincial Interim Measures for the Protection of Oil and Gas Pipeline Facilities were distributed in villages along the pipeline; Distribute cultural and sporting goods related to pipeline protection such as playing cards.

6. Intrinsic security measures

In addition to essential safety management during design and construction, measures such as pipeline cleaning, deformation detection, corrosion detection, cathodic protection detection can also be taken during operation to ensure pipeline integrity management and achieve safe operation objectives.

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